Sunday, November 6, 2011

When Green Gives Way to Giving

David Bouvier
ENGL 0250-154
H. Susi
november 6, 2011

"When Greed Gives Way to Giving"

The short story "When Greed Gives Way to Giving" written by Ana Veciana-Suarez is a mind boggling story about a 67-year-old man Bob Thompson. He is a very generous person, who likes to give more than he will take. He is from belleville, minnesota. He sold his Road-building company for $422 million. This man surprisingly did not buy him-self anything but he decided to share the money.
Thompson took $128 million of his $422 million and split the money among his 550 workers. Most of the checks exceeded the workers annual salaries, and for more than 80 people, the bonus was as much or more than a million dollars. Thompson even paid the taxes on the proceeds he has given to the people. The workers were confused and lots of them thought that Thompson made a mistake on the numbers but in reality he was correct. 
Thompson started his multi million dollar business in his basement wit $3,500, given to him by his wife. He lived in his old house for 37 years, not a mansion, not a huge house, but a normal sized house. This shows the type of person Thompson is. Most people would not share like Thompson did, this just shows the generosity he has towards people. He told reporters that he wanted to help people and that he wanted to go out a winner and go out doing the right thing.
I believe that not everyone would share, or does share with what they have now, but I believe that most people share as much as possible for what they have. I think what Thompson did was great I can probably say i would do the same thing, but I would have to fulfill my dreams and wishes before I do others. I believe that its my life; not to sound greedy, but every one should do for themselves then do for others. Some times it is obviously good to put others first but not all of the time. I think that if every one had the mind set of sharing and doing for others is good. If then, this world would be much better and easier place to live. We live in greed and live with a lot of heartless people. More people like Thompson this world would be better.

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