Sunday, November 20, 2011

David Bouvier
ENGL 0250-154
H. Susi
November 20, 2011

Driving While Stupid

This Short article written by "Dave Barry" is a short story of a few incidents he has overcame through out his traveling around the world. He claimed he has driven in just about every major city in america and in all of these major cities he has not found one place where people could drive. He says he seen people doing it all while driving. From eating to texting, also driving with no hands and even watching music videos while driving. One store he had witch amazed even him was when he was on I-95 a man in a convertible who was driving very fast swerving. When he past the man in the convertible with loud music was watching a music video while driving.

I have been driving for about four years so far and even these short four years I have witnessed many crazy things people have done while driving. While I was driving about a year ago I saw a very hefty woman who was probably in her mid 30's driving through the mall parking lot trying to eat a full uncut subway sandwich. My friend and myself at the time could not stop laughing, This woman was swerving in a parking lot and she wasn't even on the main road yet. We drove by her and he had the meat ball marinara sauce all over her face.

Driving while you are preoccupied doing something else is very dangeorus, not only to your self but towards other innocent people. Texting, eating or even your so important music video can wait. It is not worth putting other people and your self in danger just because of something so small. Figure out ways to prevent yourself from doing these things. Prepare your self for when you know you have to drive. Call them through blue tooth, text before you drive and manage your time so you can eat at home or sit down and eat not in a hurry.

I know that I have the tendency to text while I drive but I try and not answer anything that is not important if I do not have too. Sometimes it is very hard when I'm on a drive that is over 20 minuets long depending on the time of day. I always have people who text me and call me to make appointments. Most of my customers will non stop text me until I answer because they are so inpatient and want an answer right away. Other than sometimes I text I do not eat in my car because, a) I don't want my car smell like food. b) I don't want my car to get dirty. c) I know if i start it will become a big habit.

I believe that every one that text and drives a lot should cut the habit. I think everyone who eats and drives is just lazy and fat and they also should cut the habit. Yeah, a granola bar or a small snack is reasonable but a huge meatball grinder is unacceptable. Most of you eating food like that in your car probably have weight issues. Keep The distractions to a minimal to keep your self out of harm and simply prevent your self from getting into dangerous situations. 

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